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Gyntima Menopausa

Sale price£14.10
Helps to prevent and treat menopause symptoms

Gyntima Menopausa, containing Isoflavone-rich soy extract, helps to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of menopause-related vaginal dryness. Hyaluronic acid provides a wet environment, the vagina regains its moisture content, which accelerates its regeneration. The suppository maintains the normal vaginal pH with added lactic acid. This acidic environment prevents the development and proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Gyntima Menopausa
Gyntima Menopausa Sale price£14.10

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid has many antimicrobial activities. Cellular cultures producing lactic acid protect the vagina against harmful bacteria and infections. Lactic acid regulates the pH level, acts as a moisturizing factor and ensure the natural biological balance of the vagina.

Isoflavone-rich soy extract

The soy isoflavonoids belong to the group of phytoestrogens, which are the highly valuable plant ingredients of Soybeans. These are not hormones, rather plant substances, which in the body act as female sex hormones.
The soybean extract of the vaginal suppository helps to restore moisture, supports the natural vaginal lactic acid production and helps to maintain the acidity of the vagina.

Hyaluronic acid

The Gyntima products contain hyaluronic acid from pure sources- propagated from lactic yeast. Hyaluronic acid is a carbohydrate molecule that is found in the human body. Its main feature is, that it can bind large amount of water. Hyaluronic acid ensures a moist environment, as a result accelerates regeneration.

Sage extract

Sage can be used fresh, dried or in oil form — and has various health benefits. It has anti-mycotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and hydration effects.
The Gyntima products contain a sage-based essential oil with a pleasant herbal scent. It helps prevent vaginal infections.

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Soy extract

Derived from soybeans, this plant-based ingredient is rich in phytoestrogens, which mimic the effects of female sex hormones naturally. It effectively restores the health of the vaginal mucosa, promoting optimal hydration, pH balance, and resilience against infections.

Hyaluronic acid

High-quality hyaluronic acid is utilized in two molecular sizes: larger molecules form a protective film on the skin's surface to maintain moisture, while smaller molecules penetrate deeper layers to bind and lock in hydration.

Prebiotic complex

A unique combination of lactic acid, lactose, and fermented milk proteins creates an ideal environment for the proliferation and survival of lactobacilli in the vagina. They maintain an ideal pH value and microbial balance over the long term, significantly protecting against infections.


Extract from this traditional medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and disinfectant properties. The components of sage support the natural functions of the vaginal mucosa.
Gyntima Menopausa
Gyntima Menopausa



The Gyntima Menopausa vaginal suppositories can be used depending on the level of symptoms. Their use is recommended in the following cases:

  • stinging, slightly burning sensation in the vagina,
  • pain during sexual intercourse,
  • feeling of discomfort in the intimate areas,
  • prevention of menopausal symptoms.

Reviews from our customers

Gyntima Menopausa mi veľmi pomohla. Užívam ju desať dní a konečne som opäť ženou. Zakúpila som si ďalšie, pretože nechcem, aby sa ten suchý bolestivý pocit vrátil. Veľmi vám ďakujem, pomohli ste mi, keď som nevedela, čo mám robiť.

Erika, 56

Aplikuje sa to ľahšie, ako som myslela. Zlepšenie som cítila už po pár dňoch, pocit suchosti je konečne preč. Ale v noci je z toho fakt dosť veľa výtoku, takže potrebujem vložku tak ako píšu.

Miriam, 59

Tento produkt zmenil môj život. Trápila som sa so suchosťou a nepríjemnými pocitmi tam dole hrozne dlho. Už viac ako 10 rokov som nemala normálny sex. Hormonálna liečba mi nevyhovovala, tak som si myslela, že vyskúšam toto. Konečne sa cítim príjemne a zvýšilo to vlhkosť v pošve. Dokonca som zistila, že odkedy to používam, cítim sa viac žensky, líčim sa a rozmýšľam, či to môže mať vplyv na moje celkové sebavedomie, alebo či obsah sóje pôsobí aj proti širším vplyvom menopauzy.

Gabika, 61