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GYNTIMA Fytoprobiotics Capsules

  • A clinically proven combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus in an optimal daily dose of 1.47 billion CFU.
  • Lactobacilli support the natural balance of vaginal microflora and the intestinal ecosystem.
  • Lactobacillus strains are capable of surviving passage through the digestive tract and successfully supporting the vaginal environment.
  • It has been demonstrated that these bacterial strains reduce the risk of vaginal infections and urinary tract infections in women.

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Active ingredients

Lactobacilli combination

Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus- clinically proven in an optimal daily dose of 1.47 billion CFU. Bacterial strains are capable of surviving passage through the digestive tract and supporting the natural balance of vaginal microflora as well as intestinal ecosystem.

Grapefruit extract

Packed with revitalizing properties, its natural components help maintain pH balance while providing antioxidant benefits, promoting overall skin health and vitality.
GYNTIMA Fytoprobiotics Capsules



  • To support the natural balance of vaginal and intestinal microflora by providing lactobacilli.
  • When taking antibiotics to support healthy microflora of the intestines and vagina.
  • To reduce the risk of vaginal infections and urinary tract infections in women.
  • To improve overall reproductive health in women.
  • An ideal supplement to GYNTIMA vaginal suppositories, which, thanks to a complex of prebiotics from lactic acid fermentation, initiate the reproduction and survival of lactobacilli in the vaginal environment.

Reviews from our customers

Vždy keď beriem antibiotiká, skončí to nepríjemným svrbením tam dole. Keď som minule opäť dostala angínu, chytila ma panika, že zas s tým budem týždne bojovať. V lekárni mi však poradili, aby som hneď s antibiotikami začala užívať GYNTIMA Probiotica Forte spolu s GYNTIMA Fytoprobiotics. Je to až  neuveriteľné, ale prvýkrát som sa vyhla akémukoľvek podráždeniu a svrbeniu. V budúcnosti antibiotiká už len rovno s týmto.

Klára, 23