Thanks to its natural active ingredients, GYNTIMA ensures rapid restoration and natural balance of vaginal flora and its pH.

It's time we address our intimate health with a gentle touch: harnessing the power of nature, yet swiftly and effectively, ensuring lasting results. Gyntima, Your solution for intimate well-being.
Vaginal Suppositories
Unusual vaginal discharge
Pain, itching, irritation, burning
Mechanical injury
(medical procedures, sports, sexual activity)
Postpartum healing
Vaginal dryness, atrophy
Efficient Solution for Vaginal Discomfort with Gyntima Vaginal Suppositories

Gyntima Menopausa
Menopause without unpleasant sensations of dryness, irritation and painful Intercourse
DiscoverGyntima products
Intimate skincare
Formulated with a blend of highly potent natural ingredients and the latest advanced yet gentle active compounds, this composition is meticulously crafted to nourish and revitalize sensitive skin. Its exceptional formula truly delivers noticeable results.
What problems do Gyntima cosmetics address?

Intimate hygiene
Taking care of your intimate areas is essential for feeling your best. That's why GYNTIMA offers a range of natural-based products suitable for all women and girls aged 3 and above.
pH regulation
Microflora restoration
Infection prevention

Omladenie a zosvetlenie intímnych partií: konečne účinné riešenie vo forme krému
Uvažujete nad omladením alebo zosvetlením intímnych partií? GYNTIMA vám prináša prírodné riešenie vo forme krému, ktorý je účinný a pritom pokožku nedráždi.
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Strie nemusia byť postrachom: takto si s nimi poradíte
Strie sa vás nemusia týkať. Či už myslíte včas na prevenciu, alebo ste si nedávno už nejaké našli, máme pre vás riešenie.
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Tipy na pohodové leto bez intímnych ťažkostí
Obávate sa vaginálnej infekcie počas leta? Už nemusíte! Riešenie máte na dosah ruky.
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