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Intimate care

Gyntima for your intimate wellbeing

Comfort & Relief

Gyntima for your intimate wellbeing

Intimate Care

Gyntima for your intimate wellbeing

Intimate Care: Comfort & Relief

Gyntima for your intimate wellbeing

Intimate Care

Gyntima for your intimate wellbeing

It's time we address our intimate health with a gentle touch: harnessing the power of nature, yet swiftly and effectively, ensuring lasting results. Gyntima, Your solution for intimate well-being.


Thanks to its natural active ingredients, GYNTIMA ensures rapid restoration and natural balance of vaginal flora and its pH.

It supports the treatment of mild to severe vaginal infections and intimate issues, offering relief from various discomforts.

Unusual vaginal discharge
Pain, itching, irritation, burning
Mechanical injury

(medical procedures, sports, sexual activity)

Postpartum healing
Vaginal dryness, atrophy

Efficient Solution for Vaginal Discomfort with Gyntima Vaginal Suppositories

Gyntima Probiotica Forte

For yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis (BV)


Gyntima Probiotica

Regular care, prevention of vaginal infections


Gyntima Hyaluronic

Vaginal dryness, Healing, Postpartum and Postoperative Wounds


Gyntima Menopausa

Menopause without unpleasant sensations of dryness, irritation and painful Intercourse


We recommend combining vaginal suppositories with GYNTIMA Fytoprobiotics nutritional supplement containing lactobacilli.

What problems does Gyntima cosmetics address?

Providing prevention against stretch marks while effectively minimizing the appearance of fresh ones.

Revitalizing and renewing the skin of intimate areas using gentle yet poweful ingredients.

Emulsion against stretch marks

Prevention and treatment of fresh stretch marks and scars


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Intimate skincare

Gyntima Whitening creamGyntima Whitening cream
Gyntima Whitening cream
Intimate skincare for pigmentation
Sale price£24.90
Sold outGyntima Intimate Lifting creamGyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Intimate skincare for skin tightening
Sale price£24.90
Gyntima Whitening creamGyntima Whitening cream
Gyntima Whitening cream
Intimate skincare for pigmentation
Sale price£24.90
Sold outGyntima Intimate Lifting creamGyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Intimate skincare for skin tightening
Sale price£24.90
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pH regulation
Microflora restoration
Infection prevention



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Spoznajte účinnú prírodnú liečbu bakteriálnej infekcie aj mykózy v pošve

Bakteriálna infekcia aj mykóza v pošve sa dá liečiť aj prírodne a šetrne. Pomôže GYNTIMA s prírodnými aktívnymi zložkami.

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Trápi vás vaginálna infekcia? Dlhodobé riešenie poskytne GYNTIMA

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Z vaginálnych čapíkov nemajte obavy: zavediete ich ľahko a zaberú rýchlo!

Vaginálne čapíky GYNTIMA sú účinnejšie, ako by ste čakali! Rýchlo obnovia intímne zdravie a prinesú pocit úľavy. Neveríte? Čítajte!

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