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Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream

Intimate skincare for skin tightening

The unique composition of biotechnological peptides and active substances of plant origin, gently regenerates, rejuvenates and strengthens the skin of the intimate area. Due to the high amount of active ingredients, with regular use, the skin becomes soft, smooth and flexible. (Packaging: 50 ml)

Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream Sale price£24.90

Pueraria Mirifica

Exceptional plant that due to its high content of natural phytoestrogens has many beneficial effects on the skin such as increased elasticity, smoothness and support.

Palmitoyl Pentapeptide

Palmitoyl pentapeptide a skin rejuvenating compound, a small molecule that penetrates the skin easily. Palmitoyl pentapeptide stimulates the synthesis of the key constituents of the skin matrix: collagen, elastin and glucosamnoglycans.

Acetyl Tetrapeptide -2

Improves skin strength by increasing the appropriate elastin composition and increasing gene expression in multiple collagen types, other proteins (Talin, zyxin) and integrin, resulting in better resistance to gravity and aging.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera suppresses the growth of certain bacteria, viruses and fungi. The extracts of Aloe vera vitalize the organism protection and protective abilities of the skin.

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Active ingredients

Pueraria mirifica root

Rich in natural phytoestrogens, enhances skin elasticity, smoothness, and overall support. Its extract strengthens and improves skin appearance, promoting softness, smoothness, and flexibility.

Acetyl Tetrapeptide-2

Boosts skin strength by optimizing elastin composition and promoting collagen gene expression. This results in improved resistance to gravity and signs of aging, combating skin fatigue and loss of elasticity, particularly in adulthood. It also creates functional elastin, restructuring the skin for a lifting effect.

Palmitoyl Pentapeptide

Stimulates collagen synthesis, effectively enhancing the skin's firmness and elasticity, leading to a smoother and more youthful appearance over time.
Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream
Gyntima Intimate Lifting cream



Apply the preparation onto clean and dry skin, ensuring thorough coverage of intimate areas such as the labia and surrounding regions.
With its unique blend of biotechnological peptides and plant-based active substances, Gyntima Lifting Cream gently regenerates, rejuvenates, and strengthens the skin of the intimate area.
For optimal results, use twice daily for a duration of two months to achieve visible effects on the skin's texture and appearance.

Reviews from our customers

Bola som dosť skeptická, keď som skúšala tento "liftingový krém", ale musím povedať, že som príjemne prekvapená. Po aplikácii hneď pocítite krátke mravčenie, nie je to nepríjemné, zdá sa, že má okamžitý liftingový účinok. Používam ho už 3 týždne a moja pokožka je viditeľne pružnejšia.

Vanesa, 45

Po pôrode to s mojimi intímnymi partiami nebolo úplne, to čo predtým. Proste, chcela som si pripadať tam dole o trošku príťažlivejšie. Našla som tento krém a predčil moje očakávania. Som s ním spokojná.

Gabika, 37

Menopauzu znášam ťažko už od začiatku, najmä emočne. Cítim sa nervózne, podráždene a ani v intímnej oblasti to už nie je to, čo predtým. Najprv som teda vyskúšala tie vaše čapíky Menopausa a znamenalo to pre mňa veľkú pozitívnu zmenu. So záujmom som si teda pozrela, čo všetko ešte vyrábate a našla som tento liftingový krém a povedala som si, prečo nie. Po mesiaci používania však musím skonštatovať, že nejaké zmeny je tam fakt vidieť. Určite budem v používaní pokračovať.

Anastázia, 55